As we age, the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that help skin stay plump and supple, begin to slow down. This slow-down can result in sagging skin on the face, neck, arms, legs and stomach.
Collagen, made up of tightly woven fibers, aids in maintaining the structure and rigidity of our skin. Elastin, on the other hand, lends skin its flexibility, keeping it soft and flexible. Factors such as excess weight and pregnancy can also contribute to skin sagging.
How is it treated?
We understand that you may have skin in an area or two on your body that you would like tightened. Our providers, with offices in Michigan and Indiana, can help you fight the process by finding a treatment option that works best for you and your needs.
Schedule an appointment today and we’ll start you on your path toward tighter, firmer skin. Please note that this treatment is not available in all offices.